工人姐姐薪金表項目 | 菲傭 | 印傭 |
膳食津貼 | HKD1,236/月 | HKD1,236/月 |
中介費 | HKD8,000-HKD13,000 | HKD10,000-HKD17,000 |
保險費 | HKD750/年 | HKD750/年 |
2024年最低工資 | HKD4,900/月 | HKD4,900/月 |
Time 時間 |
Work Items 工作內容 |
Completed 完成 |
Checked 檢查 |
6:30 | Get up起床 | ||
6:45 | Prepare breakfast準備早餐 | ||
7:10 | Take children to school帶小孩上學 | ||
7:55 | Buy ingredients and supplies購買食材和用品 | ||
8:30 | Rest休息 | ||
8:50 | Clean room清潔房間 | ||
10:00 | Clean clothes清潔衣物 | ||
11:30 | Prepare lunch準備午餐 | ||
12:30 | Pick up the kids from school接小孩放學 | ||
12:50 | Have Lunch and rest午餐和休息 | ||
14:00 | Washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen洗碗和清潔厨房 | ||
15:00 | Special work特別工作 | ||
17:00 | Pick up the kids from school接小孩放學 | ||
18:00 | Prepare dinner準備晚餐 | ||
19:00 | Dinner晚餐 | ||
20:00 | Washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen洗碗和清潔厨房 | ||
21:00 | Help the child bathe幫助小孩洗澡 | ||
22:00 | Rest休息 |
工人姐姐假期2025 | 天數 | 日期 |
元旦 | 1 | 1月1日 |
新年 | 3 | 1月29日-31日 |
清明節 | 1 | 4月4日 |
勞動節 | 1 | 5月1日 |
佛誕 | 1 | 5月5日 |
端午節 | 1 | 5月31日 |
香港回歸紀念日 | 1 | 7月1日 |
國慶日 | 1 | 10月1日 |
中秋節翌日 | 1 | 10月7日 |
重陽節 | 1 | 10月29日 |
冬節或聖誕節 | 1 | 12月21日或12月25日 |
聖誕節後第一個周日 | 1 | 12月26日 |
- 禁止吸煙和喝酒。/ Smoking and drinking are prohibited.
- 假日不可在外留宿。/ Do not stay outside during holidays.
- 不能夠帶朋友來家中。/ Do not bring friends to your home.
- 注意清潔衛生,每日要刷牙洗澡。/ Pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene, brush your teeth and take a shower every day.
- 説話要誠實,不能隱瞞和推卸責任。/ Be honest when speaking, and do not hide or shirk responsibility.
- 禁止隨意動用僱主私人物品。/ Do not use the employer’s personal belongings at will.
- 禁止向其他人借用自己的護照、身分證等重要物品。/ Do not borrow your passport, ID card and other important items from others.
- 到外面購買物品需保留收據。/ Keep receipts when purchasing items outside.
- 要有禮貌且懂得禮儀,對僱主及其家人朋友保持友善態度。/ Be polite, know etiquette, and be friendly to your employer, family and friends.
- 禁止將危險物品携帶至家中。/ Do not bring dangerous items into the home.
- 自己的衣物要和僱主衣物分開清潔。/ Your own clothes should be cleaned separately from your employer’s clothes.
- 不可獨立留小孩在家中。/ Do not leave children alone at home.
- 帶小孩外出時,不能讓他們亂跑。/ When taking children out, do not let them run around.
- 小孩生病或受傷時,需及時告知僱主。/ When a child is sick or injured, the employer must be informed promptly.
- 照顧小孩和老人要有耐心,不可有無禮舉動。/ Be patient when taking care of children and the elderly, and do not behave rudely.
- 若老人身體出現異常情況,要及早告知僱主。/ If an elderly person has any abnormal health condition, he or she should inform the employer as soon as possible.
- 要謹記僱主教訓,不可重複犯錯。/ Remember the lessons learned from your employer and do not repeat the same mistakes.
- 不能當借財仔。/ Don’t lend money at will.
- 半個月向僱主出示一次護照。/ Show your passport to your employer once every half month.
- 有任何自身需求或家中緊急情況,需要向僱主請示。/ If you have any personal needs or emergencies at home, you need to seek instructions from your employer.
- 認識申請流程:挑選工人姐姐➡簽約➡領事館公證合約➡入境審批➡領取簽證➡安排飛機到港。
- 注意使用語言:工人姐姐大多使用英語交流,她們來港前會學習簡單的廣東話,但可能不算太流利。
- 尊重宗教信仰:菲傭信仰天主教或基督教,並沒有太多習俗;印傭信仰回教,會有朝拜的習慣。
- 留意飲食習慣:印傭因爲信仰回教,不會吃豬肉。
- 合理安排假期:安排菲傭在星期日(安息日)放假更佳;印傭可在齋戒月放假。
- 菲傭:準備文件並填寫表格➡入境處申請簽證➡領取電子證➡簽合約
- 印傭:準備文件並填寫表格➡.驗身➡合約公證➡簽合約➡辦理入境簽證➡領取電子證
工人姐姐稱呼中英文 | 工人姐姐稱呼僱主 | 僱主稱呼工人姐姐 | 小朋友稱呼工人姐姐 |
菲傭稱呼(中文) | / | 姐姐/英文名+姐姐 | 姐姐/英文名+姐姐/姨姨 |
菲傭稱呼(英文) | Sir/Ma’am | 英文名 | Auntie/Auntie+英文名/DiDa |
印傭稱呼(中文) | 先生/太太 | 姐姐/英文名+姐姐 | 姐姐/英文名+姐姐/姨姨 |
印傭稱呼(英文) | / | 英文名 | 英文名 |
- 你之前在哪裡工作過,擔任過哪些角色?/ Where have you worked before and what roles have you held?
- 你有多少年照顧嬰兒、兒童、長者或寵物的經驗?/ How many years of experience do you have in caring for babies, children, the elderly or pets?
- 你遇到過哪些照顧嬰兒/兒童/長者/寵物時的挑戰,是如何解決的?/ What challenges have you encountered in taking care of babies, children, elderly or pets, and how did you solve them?
- 為什麼你離開上一份工作?/ Why did you leave your last job?
- 可否提供前雇主的推薦信或聯繫資料?/ Could you provide references or contact information for previous employers?
- 如果嬰兒晚上一直哭,你會怎麼做?/ What would you do if a baby kept crying at night?
- 你是否願意與嬰兒同房,有無任何條件?/ Are you willing to share a room with a baby, or are there any conditions?
- 如果嬰兒發燒,你會如何處理?/ What will you do if your baby has a fever?
- 如果嬰兒不慎跌倒受傷,你會怎麼應對?/ What would you do if the baby accidentally fell and got injured?
- 你每天習慣使用手機多長時間?如果需要減少使用時間,你能接受嗎?/ How long do you use your mobile phone every day? If the usage time needs to be reduced, would you be okay with that?
- 你是否吸煙或有其他不良嗜好?/ Do you smoke or have other bad habits?
- 你有沒有任何健康問題或過敏情況?/ Do you have any health problems or allergies?
- 你有何工作期望或特別要求?/ What are your job expectations or special requirements?
- 你對於居住條件有何期望?/ What are your expectations regarding living conditions?
- 如果家中安裝了監控攝像頭,你是否介意?/ Would you mind if a surveillance camera was installed in your home?
- 你如何看待與家庭成員的溝通和解決分歧?/ How do you feel about communicating and resolving differences with family members?
- 對假期是否有特定要求?如果不放星期日可以嗎?/ Are there any specific requirements for holidays? Is it okay if Sunday is not celebrated?
- 如果你看到我們的孩子在公園與另一個孩子發生爭執,你會如何處理?/ If you saw one of our children having an argument with another child at the park, how would you handle it?
- 如果家中的長者突然感到不適,而家裡沒有其他成年人在場,你會怎麼做?/ What would you do if an elder at home suddenly felt unwell and no other adults were present?
- 當照顧的兒童或長者拒絕服用藥物時,你將如何說服他們?/ How will you convince children or elders in your care when they refuse to take medication?